Weekly update

Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church Sunday Update – The Eighth Sunday after Pentecost, July 14, 2024

When Amos reports his vision of God judging Israel for its mistreatment of the poor, he becomes a threat to the power of the priests and the king. John the Baptist also speaks truth to power and Herod has him killed. In Herod’s fear that Jesus is John returned from the dead, we may hear hope for the oppressed: all the prophets killed through the ages are alive in Jesus. But as Paul proclaims, the true power is that of God, who uses that power to bless us as God’ children and to enable us to pass on the blessings we have received to others. In this way, we are called to witness to justice in company with them, and to proclaim God’s saving love.

Focus Question:  What sacrifices do you make to follow Jesus Christ?

Serving today and scheduled for next week:


July 14 (This Sunday)

July 21 (next Sunday)


Pr. Kenn Storck

Pr. Loren Nielsen

Assisting Min.

Dn. Cheryl Erdmann

Dn. Cheryl


Richard Popp

Richard Popp

Musician (s)



Adolph Wacker

Don Wiese


Adolph Wacker, Steve Larsen

Don Wiese, John Wolf


Susie Smalley


Tech Coordinator

Phil Smalley

Phil Smalley

Bulletin Preparation

Susie Smalley

Susie Smalley

Altar Guild

Barb Pearson

Kris Tukker

Council Host

Shelley Pierson

Shelley Pierson

Altar Flowers

Dn. Cheryl, in honor of the baptism of Mariana, Gabriel and Ario Hernandez, and new members Stewart and Cheryl Walk

Pearl Fortman

Coffee Hour Treats

Shepherd of the Valley, cake, in honor of the baptism of Mariana, Gabriel and Ario Hernandez

Mary and Diane Engel, Brian Carpenter


We are thrilled to welcome Mariana, Gabriel and Ario Hernandez into God’s family through the Rite of Holy Baptism. Their parents are Kelsey and Daniel Hernandez; 

Sponsors are: Mariana Carmen Jean Hernandez: Brooke Dolan and Jose Manzo

Gabriel Zachary Hernandez: Caitlyn Kinder and Brianna Kinder

Ario Edward Hernandez: Danielle Dolan and Christen Powney (in absentia)

We also are thrilled to welcome Cheryl and Stewart Walk into membership at Shepherd of the Valley.

Please keep the following in your prayers:

Jackie Anderson, Elizabeth David, Alka David, Cheri Eagleson, Rose Mandera, Linda Severson, Dyvone Freburg, Jeanne Retzer, Gracie Yoder, Carol Dahl, Diane Engel, Ronald Rice, David Collins, Mark Pellant, JoAnn Johnson, Sally Schrader, Sherry Scheider, and Sue Francis, recovering from foot surgery.

We also pray for those who have lost loved ones: the family of Louie Dal Collo, the family of Bill Sanford, the family of Joyce Marcell, the family of Vicki Kundo, the family of Scott Francis, the family of Bob Pellant and the family of Joyce Wolf (sister-in-law of John and Candy.) 

And we pray for: Opal, Maria, Helen, Valerie, Rose, Pat, Emily, Kim, Kristen, Greg, Colleen, Mark, Jack, Pam, Brooke, Libby, Tony, Esther and John, David, Bart, and Donna.

In case of pastoral emergencies:

Please call Deacon Cheryl at 815-236-6657

Calendar for the Week of July 14  

Sun. July 14- The Eighth Sunday after Pentecost, worship with Baptism, First Communion and reception of New Members, 9:30 a.m., Presiding Minister, Pastor Kenn Stork; Assisting Minister and preacher, Dn. Cheryl Erdmann

Mon., July 15 – Monday Milers, 9:00 a.m., Bauman Park, Cherry Valley; 

Living Vine Bible Study, 9:30 a.m., Shepherd Hall and via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 844 7206 3345
Passcode: 143702
Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Finance Committee meeting via Zoom, 7 p.m., 
Meeting ID: 863 5776 3218
Passcode: 412237
Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Tues., July 16 – Office hours – 9 a.m. – noon. Congregation Council, 7 p.m. Shepherd Hall and via Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84259764462?pwd=T3l6TUVNczUrR3UyOEVVakorMzZNZz09 Meeting ID: 842 5976 4462, Passcode: 902652, Dial by your location:  +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Wed., July 17 – Weekly Bible Study [Texts: Jer 23:1-6;  Psalm 23; Eph 2:11-22; Mk 6:30-34, 53-56]

Join Zoom Meeting: 

Meeting ID: 851 9871 0201 Passcode: 714638
Dial via landline or cell phone: Dial 1 312 626 6799; then input the Meeting ID 851 9871 0201, then input the Passcode 714638

Thur., July 18 – Office hours – 9 a.m. – noon 

Fri., July 19 – Prayer with Litany, 11:00 a.m., via Zoom

Time: Fridays 11:00 AM Central Time
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 847 3177 1981 Passcode: 180747

Sat., July 20 – No scheduled activities

Sun., July 21 – The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, worship, 9:30 a.m., Presiding Minister, Pastor Loren Nielsen, Assisting Minister and preacher, Dn. Cheryl Erdmann

A Look Ahead…

Mon., July 22 – Monday Milers, 9:00 a.m., Bauman Park, Cherry Valley

Synod-led Meeting of all Call Committees, 6:30 p.m., via Zoom, link to come

Tues., July 23 – Office hours – 9 a.m. – noon

Combined Call Committee and Council Meeting, led by Pastor Jen Beamsley, Assistant to the Bishop, 6:30 p.m., Shepherd Hall.

Wed., July 24 – Weekly Bible Study [Texts: 2 Kings 4:42-44; Ps 145:10-18; Eph 3:14-21; Jo 6:1-21]

Join Zoom Meeting: 

Meeting ID: 851 9871 0201 Passcode: 714638
Dial via landline or cell phone: Dial 1 312 626 6799; then input the Meeting ID 851 9871 0201, then input the Passcode 714638

Thurs., July 25 – Office hours – 9 a.m. – noon

Fri., July 26 –   Prayer with Litany, via Zoom, 11 a.m.

Time: Fridays 11:00 AM Central Time
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 847 3177 1981 Passcode: 180747

Sat., July 27 – No Scheduled Activities

Sun. July 28 – The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, 9:30 a.m., Presiding Minister and Preacher, Bishop-Emeritus, Pastor Jeff Clements; Assisting Minister, Dn. Cheryl Erdmann