Stewardship and Finance Opportunities

 Stewardship Council Rep.
Barabar Pearson – Finance Committee council rep/

Finance Committee

What:  This committee is tasked with developing the yearly budget, oversees the distribution and spending of funds, tracking giving and other incomes, and develops future financial directions so the mission of the congregation can be met.  Utilizing information from the treasurer and financial secretary regarding the weekly giving and outside incomes, this committee analyzes the current and future financial state of the congregation.  Based on these analyses, this committee makes recommendations to the Church Council regarding financial policies and decisions.

How often:  This committee meets once a month, generally the day prior to the Church Council meeting to review the previous month’s income and expense so that adjustments in the budget can be made.


Stewardship Committee

What:  This committee oversees both the Time and Talent assessment and the financial pledge program.  In addition, they help to educate the congregation about the biblical understanding of stewardship.


Annual Programs

What:  In the spring, the Stewardship Committee conducts a “Time and Talent” assessment, using tools such as this booklet to help people in the congregation find a way to volunteer their time here at the church.  In the fall, the Stewardship Committee conducts a pledge program for the following year.  Help is needed to conduct both of these events.

 How often:  About a month for the Time and Talent assessment and another month for the financial pledges.  Each event is independent, and you may volunteer for one or both.